
There are several ways students can participate in the music program.

  1. The Music Third program is structured to integrate theory and practice. Students select a combination of component courses that together constitute one full 10-credit course of MUSC 4499. A Music Third program includes each of the four following areas, explained in detail in this portion of the catalogue:
    1. Individual instruction (instrumental performance, composition, or voice), the central area of study around which the rest of the program is planned
    2. Theory and/or history
    3. A performance ensemble
    4. Concert attendance/Music Tuesdays requirement (see below)
    5. A music program best-suited to individual needs and interests, planned by the student in consultation with the faculty
  2. Advanced students, with faculty consent, may elect to take a Music Two-Thirds program (MUSC 4998), which consists of two-thirds of their courses in music. Students permitted to take MUSC 4998 complete a total of two of each of the above four areas.
  3. The music program offers seminars, lectures, and individual components. Students may take these courses either as part of their Music Third as a component (MUSC 5000-level) or independently as another discipline requirement for credit (e.g., MUHS 3000-level).
  4. Students who do not wish to take an entire Music Third program may take Music Components for Credit (MUSC 4400) for up to three credits. A various number of component courses can comprise each of the following options: MUSC 4400 (1) for one credit, MUSC 4400 (2) for two credits, or MUSC 4400 (3) for three credits.

A maximum total of 50 credits is permitted in music.

Overview of Types of Music Instruction

The director of the music program will arrange all instrumental study with the affiliate-artist faculty, who teach off campus. In all cases, individual instruction involves consultation with members of the faculty and the director of the music program. Instructors for instruments not listed below will also be arranged.

Lessons and Auditions

Beginning lessons are offered only in voice and piano. A limited number of beginning acoustic guitar lessons are offered based on prior musical experience. All other instrumentalists are expected to demonstrate a level of proficiency on their instruments. In general, the music faculty encourages students to prepare two excerpts from two contrasting works that demonstrate their musical background and technical abilities. Auditions for all instruments and voice, which are held at the beginning of the first week of classes, are for placement purposes only.

Vocal Auditions, Placement, and Juries

The voice faculty encourages students to prepare two contrasting works that demonstrate the student’s musical background and innate vocal skills. Vocal auditions enable the faculty to place the singer in the class most appropriate for the student’s current level of vocal production. Students will be placed in either an individual voice lesson (two half-hour lessons per week) or in a Studio Class. Voice juries at the end of the year evaluate each student’s progress.

Piano Auditions and Placement

The piano faculty encourages students to prepare two contrasting works that demonstrate the student’s musical background and keyboard technique. Piano auditions enable the faculty to place the student with the appropriate teacher in either an individual piano lesson or in the Keyboard Lab, given his or her current level of preparation.

Acoustic and Jazz Guitar Auditions and Placement

The guitar faculty encourages students to prepare two contrasting works that demonstrate the student’s musical background, guitar technique, and—for jazz and blues—improvisational ability. Guitar auditions enable the faculty to place the guitarist with the appropriate teacher in either an individual guitar lesson or in Guitar Class.

Composition Lessons

The student who is interested in individual instruction in composition must demonstrate an appropriate background.

Music Courses

The following 5000-level courses may be taken as components that comprise a Music Third (MUSC 4499) or Music Two Thirds (MUSC 4998) program or for individual credit as MUSC 4400 (up to three credits). Eligible students may take a maximum of two types of courses (e.g., Music History for two credits and Individual Instruction for one music credit within creative arts).

The types of music courses listed below refer to the four areas of the music program explained on the prior page.

Classes for Beginning Students

Components for Individual Credit

Concert Attendance/Music Tuesdays

Lectures and Seminars

Master Classes and Workshops

Music History Courses

Music Technology Courses: Studio for Electronic Music and Experimental Sound

Other Classes and Ensembles

Performance Ensembles and Classes

Theory and Composition Program

Vocal Studies

World Music Ensembles