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Dear Sarah Lawrence Community,
As we conclude this truly singular fall semester, I want to express my admiration and deep appreciation for the accomplishments of our students, faculty, staff, and community. Together, from around the world, we have connected meaningfully, creating entirely new ways to come together and to share our work. And at every moment, amidst the backdrop of a de-centering pandemic, we have remained true to the values that are the hallmark of Sarah Lawrence College: recognizing the impact of our individual actions on others; engaging deeply with learning, teaching, creating, and researching; and embracing change, as our mission says, “to tackle the problems of, and thrive in, a rapidly evolving world.”
I look forward to sharing with you in January reflections on, and lessons from, the fall semester. In the meantime, as we approach a new year—one that brings with it the hope of incremental improvement and stability—I want to wish those of you who observe holidays this month joyous (and safe) celebrations, and, for our students, faculty, and staff, an opportunity to recover and recharge over a well-deserved winter break.
From Sarah Lawrence to our more than 20,000 alumni in 80 countries, and to our families and friends around the globe, I wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy end to 2020 and best wishes for the new year.
Cristle Collins Judd
Instagram: @slcprez
Winter scenes created by the students of the Early Childhood Center—an annual tradition. #SarahLawrenceTogether