To the class of 2016—welcome to the Sarah Lawrence graduate school alumni family.
When I was at Sarah Lawrence 10 years ago, I had to good fortune to work on the Sarah Lawrence Poetry Festival. One year, I was asked to drive a famous poet back and forth from Manhattan to the campus. As a poet in the Graduate Creative Writing Program, it was, of course, a wonderful experience.
And as we were walking back to the car at the end of the day, she turned to me and proclaimed that she loved the big New York public university that had been her home for many years, but she couldn’t help but envy the deep sense of community that she found at Sarah Lawrence.
How right she was.
Well, I am here to tell you that that community can continue after graduation. You are not alone.
Representing the Graduate branch of the Sarah Lawrence Alumni Association, I am here to invite you to join us. Seek us out on the Sarah Lawrence website. Check out all the amazing events we organize every year across the country, in NY, Philly, Boston, DC, and LA that keep the Sarah Lawrence community alive and kicking.
Some of the wildest, most alive, most human people I have met in my life have come from my years at Sarah Lawrence and through Sarah Lawrence, after graduation. It is a community that breathes a rather rarified air and I encourage you to continue to tap into it. Join us. Help us continue to build the bonds of that community that served us so well while we were in school and that can continue to serve us.
So, congratulations on your graduation and welcome to the graduate alumni wing of the family.
Thank you.