Master of Science in Education: The Art of Teaching
Educating teachers for over 35 years, the Sarah Lawrence College Art of Teaching program is an integrated Master of Science in Education (MSEd) program of study that leads to triple New York State certification in Early Childhood Education (birth to grade 2), Childhood Education (1st to 6th grade), and Early Childhood Students with Disabilities.
- Request more information about the MSEd Art of Teaching program
- Apply to the MSEd Art of Teaching program

Master of Arts in Child Development
The Master of Arts in Child Development program takes a progressive approach to study child development by exploring the lives of children as the interaction of intellectual, emotional, social, and imaginative streams. It combines in-depth study of primary theoretical perspectives with practical fieldwork, preparing you to support the complex needs of children and their families.
- Request more information about the MA Child Development program
- Apply to the MA Child Development program

Choose Your Path: MSEd, MA, or Dual Degree
At Sarah Lawrence, you have the option of pursuing a MSEd in teaching or a MA in child development in two years, or you can choose a path to combine degrees and certifications that best match your career goals. All first-year students in the MSEd Art of Teaching, MA Child Development, and dual-degree MA+MSW Child Development programs collaborate in the same classes, sharing ideas and learning from one another in a foundation semester that is uniquely possible at Sarah Lawrence. From there, students can continue in their chosen MA or MSEd degree track, or pursue either of our dual degree tracks.
- MA + MSEd Child Development and Art of Teaching (3 years)
- MA + MSW Child Development and Social Work (in partnership with the NYU Silver School of Social Work)
Resources for Students and Professionals

The Early Childhood Center
Founded in 1937 by well-known developmental psychologist Lois Barclay Murphy, the Early Childhood Center (ECC) is one of the longest-existing college laboratory schools in the United States. The ECC aims to reflect the world community and is committed to diversity among staff, teachers, and students. The school provides a thoughtful, progressive curriculum for children ages 2 through 6 in preschool and kindergarten. Modeled on the Sarah Lawrence pedagogy, the ECC's programs provide a setting for undergraduate and graduate Sarah Lawrence College students to work as assistants and participant-observers for a practical element of their studies in child development and teaching.

The Child Development Institute
The Child Development Institute (CDI) develops programs for early childhood and elementary school teachers, administrators, child development professionals, parents, and the community at large.
While developed primarily as outreach programs, CDI's activities enhance the educational experience of undergraduate and graduate students on campus. CDI staff and the Faculty Advisory Committee work cooperatively with the College's Early Childhood Center, psychology faculty, and graduate programs in Child Development and the Art of Teaching.
Early Childhood Special Education Advanced Certificate
Special Education certification is in high and ever-growing demand. There has been a steady increase in the number of Special Education teachers employed in schools (both early childhood and elementary) to meet the growing number of ICT (Integrative Co-Teaching) classrooms as well as the many other roles Special Educators fill, serving the growing number of children diagnosed with a wide range of disabilities. To meet this need, Sarah Lawrence’s Art of Teaching program is launching the Early Childhood Special Education Advanced Certificate in the fall of 2024.
Westchester Community College Transfer Agreement
Continuing the strong historical partnership between Sarah Lawrence College and Westchester Community College (WCC), Sarah Lawrence has established a transfer partnership with WCC offering students who are interested in a teaching career a unique opportunity to complete both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in three years upon graduating from WCC.