When filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) be sure to accurately identify the family’s status, as it will determine whose financial information the applicant must list on the FAFSA. Failure to select the correct family status could delay the processing of your financial aid application. The parent who provides the most financial support to the student is required to complete the FAFSA.
For applicants whose parents are separated, divorced, or remarried, 2023 financial documentation is required by all parents and step-parents, if applicable. This includes 2023 federal tax returns, W-2s, and any items listed on the financial aid checklist.
If a student no longer communicates with a parent, a Third-Party Letter must be submitted via the financial aid application portal. This document should be on official stationary and come from an objective third party who understands and can confirm the student’s unique situation in a professional capacity. Some examples of an acceptable third party include, but are not limited to: a high school guidance counselor, therapist, clergy person, principal, doctor, teacher, or lawyer.
We realize that each family’s situation is unique. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with questions regarding the requirements – or any other inquiries or concerns. We are open from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM (EST).