Cecilia Phillips Toro

on leave Spring 25

BA, Reed College. PhD, Brown University. Postdoctoral Fellow, Oregon Hearing Research Center and Vollum Institute, Oregon Health & Science University. Neurobiologist with a special interest in sensory hair-cell function. Author of papers on dopamine in the zebrafish lateral line, voltage-gated calcium channels, synaptic physiology, and alternative splicing. Recipient of grants from the National Institutes of Health. Previously taught at Linfield College. SLC, 2018–

Undergraduate Courses 2024-2025


Introduction to Neuroscience

Open, Lecture—Fall

BIOL 2029

The human brain contains roughly 80 billion neurons connected by trillions of synapses. This uniquely complex organ is responsible for our remarkable capabilities, including the sensation and perception of diverse internal and external stimuli; the performance of precise movements and behaviors; and the ability to learn and remember an extraordinary amount of information. In this lecture course, we will investigate the nervous system from molecular, cellular, and systems-level perspectives. We will delve into the structure and function of neurons, including the molecular mechanisms underlying the action potential and synaptic transmission. We will learn how sensory systems detect diverse external and internal stimuli and how they communicate this information to the brain. We will also explore how the brain drives motor output, from the motor cortex to the neuromuscular junction, and the areas of the brain that control distinct aspects of language. Students will regularly engage in active learning through in-class, small-group exercises that complement content covered in lectures. In group conference, we will learn about neurodivergence and neurological disorders through discussions centered on the book, The Disordered Mind: What Unusual Brains Tell Us about Ourselves, by Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel. Students should leave this course with a solid understanding of the principles of neuroscience, which will prepare them for further study in neuroscience, physiology, and medicine.


Neurological Disorders

Open, Seminar—Fall

BIOL 3214

Disorders of the brain are often devastating. They can disrupt fundamental characteristics of life, such as memory formation and retrieval, the ability to communicate, the foundations of a personality, and the execution of movements, including those necessary for breathing. In this course, we will learn about the brain in health and disease by exploring the neuroscience of neurological disorders. We will study Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, lytico-bodig, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and autism spectrum disorder. We will consider these disorders holistically and from a biological point of view. We will explore: the lived experience of the affected and their loved ones; how symptoms of the disorders can be understood by studying changes in the neural tissues, cells, and molecules associated with each disorder; and what is known about genetic or environmental underpinnings and current treatments. Readings will be drawn primarily from the writings of the neurologist Oliver Sacks, the neuroscientist Eric Kandel, and the science journalist and Parkinson’s patient Jon Palfreman, in addition to magazine articles, scientific studies, and relevant films that complement and expand upon their descriptions of brain function.


Previous Courses


Animal Physiology

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

Animal physiology is the study how all components of animals—from cells to tissues to organs and organ systems—function together to support life. In this course, we will study many of the major categories of physiology while considering the overarching concepts of mechanism, form and function, adaptation, and homeostasis. Among possible topics are: circulation, respiration and breathing, feeding and digestion, movement and muscle, thermoregulation, osmoregulation, hormonal regulation, reproduction, neurons and the nervous system, sensory systems, and camouflage. As we discuss each physiological process, we will also explore ways in which different animals use species-specific adaptations to execute those processes (so-called comparative physiology). For instance, humans breathe using internal sack-like structures—the lungs—while frogs and salamanders can extract oxygen from the air by simple diffusion across their skin, and insects breathe through multiple small openings in their bodies that lead to an intricate series of tubes that permeate their entire organism, thereby obtaining oxygen without the use of a circulatory system. Diverse mechanisms such as these allow us to understand the fundamental principles of physiology and how they are employed in remarkable ways across the animal kingdom.


Drugs and the Brain

Open, Lecture—Spring

BIOL 2065

The nervous system is the ultimate target of many drugs: those taken to alleviate pain, to increase pleasure, or to transform perceptions. The course will focus on the neuronal targets and mechanisms of psychoactive drugs, including which neurotransmitter systems that they modulate. Students will consider stimulants, depressants, narcotics, analgesics, hallucinogens, and psychotherapeutics. In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of drug use and abuse, the course will also explore the social, political, economic, and genetic factors that influence drug consumption—both legal and illegal—and drug epidemics, including the ongoing and devastating opioid epidemic. Students will learn about drug sources, forms, and methods of use while also exploring what is known about the biological basis of tolerance, cravings, withdrawal, and addiction. Lectures will be complemented by seminars, in which we will discuss the narrative nonfiction books Dreamland, by Sam Quinones, and How to Change Your Mind, by Michael Pollan.


Experimental Neurobiology and Physiology

Intermediate, Seminar—Year

Prerequisite: successful completion of General Biology Series: Genes, Cells, and Evolution or equivalent

Animals are composed of an astoundingly complex orchestra of molecules, cells, tissues, and organs that support life. In this laboratory-based seminar, we will explore the intricacies of animal physiology, from the molecular to the behavioral, while engaging in complementary experimentation using the versatile zebrafish model organism. Seminar and lab time will be integrated, as we move back and forth between discussing concepts in biology and applying them to our lab work. We will begin with the foundational subject of neurobiology by studying the nervous system and how it accomplishes the sensation and perception of diverse internal and external stimuli through visual, auditory, somatosensory, gustatory, and olfactory systems; the performance of precise movements and behaviors; and learning and memory. Our knowledge of the nervous system will serve as groundwork upon which we will grow our understanding of other topics in physiology, including circulation, respiration and breathing, feeding and digestion, thermoregulation, osmoregulation, hormonal regulation, reproduction, and camouflage. Students will learn to house, breed, and conduct experiments with adult and larval zebrafish and will collaboratively design and execute novel experiments based on relevant scientific literature.


First-Year Studies: The Brain According to Oliver Sacks


Dr. Oliver Sacks was a prominent neurologist and prolific writer, who considered the workings of the brain by observing and diagnosing patients—including himself. Sacks communicated the marvels of the nervous system to the public through his engaging and remarkable stories of neurological dysfunction and his musings on intriguing and poorly understood topics in neuroscience. We will study the brain in health and disease through Sacks’s writings, accompanied by other readings and films that complement and expand upon Sacks’s descriptions of brain function. Topics will likely include: vision, blindness, and prosopagnosia (aka face-blindness, which Sacks himself had); speech, reading, audition, music, and deafness; autism spectrum disorder; Tourette’s syndrome; neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and ALS; learning, memory, and amnesia. We will meet for seminar classes and biweekly individual conferences throughout the year. In the fall semester, we will also have weekly group collaborative meetings, which will include neuroanatomy exploration using a neuroscience coloring book, movie screenings, or writing workshops.


General Biology Series: Genes, Cells, and Evolution

Open, Small Lecture—Fall

Biology, the study of life on Earth, encompasses structures and forms ranging from the very minute to the very large. In order to grasp the complexities of life, we begin this study with the cellular and molecular forms and mechanisms that serve as the foundation for all living organisms. The initial part of the semester will introduce the fundamental molecules critical to the biochemistry of life processes. From there, we branch out to investigate the major ideas, structures, and concepts central to the biology of cells, genetics, and the chromosomal basis of inheritance. Finally, we conclude the semester by examining how those principles relate to the mechanisms of evolution. Throughout the semester, we will discuss the individuals responsible for major discoveries, as well as the experimental techniques and process by which such advances in biological understanding are made. Classes will be supplemented with weekly laboratory work.


General Biology: Genes, Cells, and Evolution

Open, Small Lecture—Fall

BIOL 2014

Biology, the study of life on Earth, encompasses structures and forms ranging from the very minute to the very large. In order to grasp the complexities of life, we begin this study with the cellular and molecular forms and mechanisms that serve as the foundation for all living organisms. The initial part of the semester will introduce the fundamental molecules critical to the biochemistry of life processes. From there, the course branches out to investigate the major ideas, structures, and concepts central to the biology of cells, genetics, and the chromosomal basis of inheritance. Finally, students conclude the semester by examining how those principles relate to the mechanisms of evolution. Throughout the semester, we will discuss the individuals responsible for major discoveries, as well as the experimental techniques and process by which such advances in biological understanding are made. Classes will be supplemented with weekly lab work. 


Hormones, Food, and Sex

Open, Seminar—Spring

Hormones are released from diverse tissues, including the brain, ovaries, testes, and fatty tissues. The small molecules travel around the body via the circulatory system and can influence the activity of distant cells involved in key biological processes. In this course, we will study the principles of hormone signaling (endocrinology) by focusing on two overarching topics: (1) hormones that modulate food intake and utilization; and (2) hormones that control reproduction. We will study the hormones that control appetite, flavor, fat deposition, and weight and how hormone levels contribute to sustaining unhealthy weights in obese individuals. We will study the hormones that control many aspects of reproduction, including puberty, ovulation, sexuality, sex, pregnancy, birth, lactation, and menopause. We will consider how hormones define male and female characteristics, as well as hormone therapy for transitioning transgender individuals.



Intermediate, Seminar—Spring

The brain is our most complex organ. The human brain contains a hundred billion neurons whose functions underlie our remarkable capacities, including the ability to sense our environment, communicate via language, learn and remember, perform precise movements, and experience emotions. In this introduction to neurobiology, we will focus on the structure and function of the nervous system, considering molecular, cellular, systems, and cognitive perspectives. We will learn how the nervous system develops and how the major cells of the nervous system—neurons and glia—function. We will examine the chemical and electrical modes of communication between neurons, with a focus on the action potential and neurotransmission. We will consider the major subdivisions of the brain and how those regions control neural functions, including learning and memory, emotion, language, sleep, movement, and sensory perception. Finally, we will study disorders of the nervous system and consider how they inform our understanding of healthy brain function.


Neurological Disorders

Open, Seminar—Fall

Disorders of the brain are often devastating. They can disrupt key characteristics of life, from memory formation and retrieval to communication and personality to execution of movements, including those necessary for breathing. In this course, we will learn about the brain in health and disease by exploring the neuroscience of neurological disorders. We will study Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, lytico-bodig, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and autism spectrum disorder. We will consider these disorders holistically and from a biological point of view. We will explore the lived experience of the affected and their loved ones. We will see how symptoms of the disorders can be understood by studying what is known about the neural tissues, cells, and molecules that are dysfunctional in the disease state. We will explore what is known about the genetic or environmental underpinnings of the disorders and any current treatments available. Readings will be drawn from the writings of the prominent neurologist and author Oliver Sacks, in addition to magazine articles, scientific studies, and relevant films that complement and expand upon Sacks’ descriptions of brain function.


Neurons and the Nervous System

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

The brain is the most complex organ. The human brain contains 100 billion neurons whose functions underlie our remarkable capacities, including the ability to sense our environment, communicate via language, learn and remember, perform precise movements, and experience emotions. In this introduction to neuroscience, we will focus on the structure and function of the nervous system, considering molecular, cellular, systems, and cognitive perspectives. We will learn how the nervous system develops and how the major cells of the nervous system—neurons and glia—function. We will examine the chemical and electrical modes of communication between neurons, with a focus on the action potential and neurotransmission. We will consider the major subdivisions of the brain and how those regions control neural functions, including learning and memory, attention, emotion, language, sleep, movement, and sensory perception. Finally, we will study disorders of the nervous system and consider how they inform our understanding of healthy brain function.



Intermediate, Seminar—Spring

BIOL 3415

Prerequisite: General Biology: Genes, Cells, and Evolution (BIOL 2014), or Introduction to Neuroscience (BIOL 2029).

Scorpions, funnel-web spiders, cobras, oh my! Encountering any of these creatures in the wild should give you pause. In this course, we will learn why your instincts are correct by studying the molecular mechanisms by which these and many other creatures attack the nervous system. Across the kingdoms of life, there has been remarkable convergence in the evolution of neurotoxins that specifically target the synapse, efficiently leading to pain, paralysis, and/or death of unfortunate victims. Some of the most potent toxins are produced by bacteria: Botulinum neurotoxins are a common cause of aquatic animal die-offs and the bane of home food canners (in addition to being routinely injected into human faces to temporarily erase the markings of age), while tetanus toxins send many a wounded person rushing to get a vaccine booster. Single-celled eukaryotes are also an impactful source of neurotoxins: Harmful algal blooms can lead to paralytic shellfish poisoning in animals unlucky enough to consume seafood storing saxitoxin, a sodium ion channel inhibitor. There are numerous examples of neurotoxin-wielding animals, including the seemingly innocuous cone snails that employ tiny harpoons to spear their prey with conotoxins that inhibit multiple ion channels. Neurotoxins have been discovered that target sodium, potassium, and calcium channels; vesicle fusion proteins; neurotransmitter degrading enzymes; neurotransmitter receptors; and even presynaptic membranes. Students in this course will learn about these diverse toxins by reading, analyzing, and presenting scientific literature on the structure and function of neurotoxins and how they disrupt synaptic transmission. We will also explore neurotoxins in the news by identifying articles that describe recent neurotoxin-mediated events in wildlife or human populations.


Sensory Biology

Open, Seminar—Spring

Why do chili peppers taste “hot,” while peppermint gum tastes “cold”? How can humans distinguish between a trillion different odors? Scallops have dozens of eyes...really? Can onions be confused with apples if our noses are plugged? Why do flowers appear different to humans and to bees? Why can’t we hear the echolocation calls of most bats? The answers to these questions lie in our understanding of how animals interact with their environments via sensory perception. In this course, we will study the sensory systems underlying hearing, balance, vision, smell, taste, and touch. We will explore senses from a neurobiological perspective and, therefore, will begin with an overview of the nervous system and the structure and function of neurons. We will then study how each sense is based on the perception of a particular stimulus by specialized sensory neurons within specialized sensory tissues. We will discuss how stimuli are converted to cellular information and how this is communicated to the brain, leading to perception. We will also explore the remarkable abilities that underlie animal navigation, including the magnetoreception used by butterflies and sea turtles during migration.


Synaptic Transmission

Advanced, Seminar—Spring

This course will delve deep into the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission between neurons and other cells. Through careful readings of primary and secondary literature, including select textbook chapters, we will consider the current state of knowledge of how neurotransmitters are released and detected. Topics will include: the biophysics of the neuron, including how concentration gradients of key ions allow for the generation and propagation of the neuronal action potential; how changes in ion concentration lead to vesicle fusion and the controlled release of neurotransmitters via exocytosis; how activation of neurotransmitter receptors leads to electrochemical changes in postsynaptic cells; the structure and gating of key ion channels; the synaptic correlates of learning and memory; and disorders of the synapse, including channelopathies. Throughout the semester, we will discuss how neurotoxins used by species from across the animal kingdom—from platypuses and cone snails to funnel web spiders and cobras—immobilize prey by targeting specific synaptic proteins.
