Arpita Ray

Undergraduate Discipline


MSc, University of Mumbai. PhD, SUNY Health Sciences University. Postdoctoral Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Ray has taught various undergraduate and graduate-level courses in biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, systems biology, and cell biology at Quinnipiac University, Manhattanville College, and Kean University and has published papers and research abstracts in areas of cancer biology. SLC, 2024–

Undergraduate Courses 2024-2025


Cell Biology

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

BIOL 3657

Prerequisite: previous course work in biology or its equivalent

Cell biology explores the structure and function of cellular organelles and components, as well as the functional interaction of the cell with its microenvironment. The course emphasizes a new approach to studying the cell within its social context. Students will learn about the cell and its microenvironment, which includes neighboring cells (cell/cell interaction), the extracellular matrix (cell/ECM interaction), and the soluble mediators (e.g., hormones, growth factors, cytokines, fatty acid derivatives). The concept of "dynamic reciprocity" is highlighted throughout the course in emphasizing that the cell regulates the composition of its microenvironment, which influences cell function. Classes focus on discussion-oriented lectures to encourage critical thinking and stress the importance of research as a tool for gaining knowledge.



Open, Seminar—Fall

BIOL 3617

Genetics studies how physical traits are inherited and the chemical structures that influence those traits. Genetics is increasingly vital in all biological fields. Students in any biologically-related field must understand how physical and physiological characteristics are determined and passed to the next generation. In this class, students will study DNA as the genetic material of all organisms, how it is replicated and transferred, how it controls phenotypic traits of organisms, and how changes in the DNA sequence result in variation within species populations, ultimately leading to evolutionary change. We will also examine chromosome structure, the mechanisms and molecular functions of genes and DNA within cells, and how mutations in DNA can lead to physical abnormalities and diseases such as Trisomy 21, hemophilia, Marfan Syndrome, and color blindness. Classes will be supplemented with weekly laboratory work.
