MPhil, Yale University. PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison. A statistician and mathematics educator, Dr. Herzig teaches courses in mathematics, statistics, research methods, and social justice in education. Her research documented successful practices and policies for supporting equity and diversity in mathematics education, and she has worked with scientists and attorneys on health care quality and safety, equity and inclusion in education, and voting rights. She spends most of her time working to expand access to STEM education for students of all personal, professional, and social identities through teaching, research, advocacy, and faculty professional development. SLC, 2023–
Undergraduate Courses 2024-2025
Learning Mathematics With Understanding
Sophomore and Above, Seminar—Spring
MATH 3055
What does it mean to understand a mathematical concept? In this course, we will explore children’s mathematical thinking and how they develop understanding of foundational concepts like number, place value, counting, operations, whole numbers, fractions, proportion, and algebra. These ideas have profound and rich mathematics underlying them, sometimes in surprising ways. As you reflect on and communicate about your own mathematical thinking and beliefs, you will deepen your understanding of these ideas. We will also explore the math that children know and how they think about mathematics, how different groups of students experience mathematics learning, and what types of learning activities facilitate learning with understanding. This is not a methods course but does contain some essential elements of pedagogy and learning activities.
Math and (In)Justice
Open, Seminar—Fall
MATH 3225
When used well, mathematics is a powerful set of tools for understanding the world. When used in other ways, mathematics can serve to uphold and perpetuate inequality and injustice. In this class, we will investigate how we can use mathematical tools to understand, document, and work against inequity and injustice, including topics such as voting rights, health disparities, access to education, “big data” algorithms that control aspects of our lives, the carceral system, and environmental justice. Students of all mathematical levels are welcome.
Modern Mathematics: Logic, Probability, and Statistics
Intermediate, Seminar—Year
MATH 3119
Prerequisite: Calculus
This course will explore mathematical foundations, including logic, set theory, combinatorics, function theory, probability, and statistics. Each of these topics bridges both theoretical mathematical structures and applications to a broad range of real-world problems. Applications of these theoretical mathematical results will be explored through problems from the biological, physical, and social sciences; education; politics; music; and visual arts (among others). This course includes a calculus-based introduction to the theory and applications of probability and statistics. Students primarily interested in a more general, single-semester introduction to the principles and practices of statistics should consider the lecture course, An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Analysis. Students should be comfortable with methods and concepts from single-variable differential and integral calculus (one year of high-school study or one semester of college study). Conference work can focus on any topic relating to mathematics, including theoretical mathematical ideas or their applications to problems outside of mathematics.
Previous Courses
An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Analysis
Open, Lecture—Spring
Variance, correlation coefficient, regression analysis, statistical significance, margin of’ve heard these terms and other statistical phrases bantered about before, and you’ve seen them interspersed in news reports and research articles. But what do they mean? How are they used? And why are they so important? Serving as an introduction to the concepts, techniques, and reasoning central to the understanding of data, this lecture course focuses on the fundamental methods of statistical analysis used to gain insight into diverse areas of human interest. The use, misuse, and abuse of statistics will be the central focus of the course; specific topics of exploration will be drawn from experimental design theory, sampling theory, data analysis, and statistical inference. Applications will be considered in current events, business, psychology, politics, medicine, and many other areas of the natural and social sciences. Statistical (spreadsheet) software will be introduced and used extensively in this course, but no prior experience with the technology is assumed. Group conferences, conducted in workshop mode, will serve to reinforce student understanding of the course material. This lecture is recommended for anybody wishing to be a better-informed consumer of data and strongly recommended for those planning to pursue advanced undergraduate or graduate research in the natural sciences or social sciences. Enrolled students are expected to have an understanding of basic high-school algebra and plane coordinate geometry.
Calculus II
Open, Seminar—Fall
This course continues the thread of mathematical inquiry, following an initial study of the dual topics of differentiation and integration (see Calculus I course description). Topics to be explored in this course include the calculus of exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of integration theory to geometry, alternative coordinate systems, infinite series, and power series representations of functions. For conference work, students may choose to undertake a deeper investigation of a single topic or application of the calculus or conduct a study of some other mathematically-related topic, including artistic projects. This seminar is intended for students interested in advanced study in mathematics or science, preparing for careers in the health sciences or engineering, or simply wishing to broaden and enrich the life of the mind.
Mathematics and (In)Justice
Open, Seminar—Spring
MATH 3225
When used well, mathematics is a powerful set of tools for understanding the world. When used in other ways, mathematics can serve to uphold and perpetuate inequality and injustice. In this class, students will investigate how mathematical tools can be used to understand, document, and work against inequity and injustice, including topics such as voting rights, health disparities, access to education, “big data” algorithms that control aspects of our lives, the carceral system, and environmental justice.
Mathematics for Everyday Life
Open, Lecture—Fall
MATH 2055
This course will develop practical mathematical skills, valuable both in and out of the classroom. Students will strengthen their mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills through important real-world applications, including measurement, finances, critical consumption of statistics in the media, scientific thinking, and epidemiology. This course will give students the tools and the confidence to engage with mathematical concepts in other academic areas, leading students to discover the joy of engaging with the beautiful ideas of mathematics. Each group conference will address a special topic in mathematics: mathematics and civil rights, mathematics in art and music, children’s understanding of mathematical concepts, and precalculus studies for students wishing to better prepare themselves for the study of calculus. No prior mathematics knowledge is required, as everyone can learn mathematics with understanding.
Modern Mathematics: Proof, Sets, Logic, and Abstract Algebra
Intermediate, Seminar—Year
MATH 3119
Prerequisite: one year of high-school or college calculus, with experience in methods and concepts from single-variable differential and integral calculus
This course will begin with an exploration of advanced mathematical foundations, including logic, set theory, methods of proof, and properties of real numbers and functions. Each of these topics will bridge both theoretical mathematical structures and applications to a broad range of real-world problems. Students will then build on the methods and concepts of precollege algebra to analyze abstract systems that consist of mathematical objects (for example, numbers, functions, matrices, or permutations) and operations on them. By assuming a small number of basic properties—called axioms—of these systems, we will deduce other, more complex properties that can help us analyze a diverse number of abstract systems that, perhaps surprisingly, have common properties. Specific topics in abstract algebra will include groups, isomorphisms, symmetries, permutations, rings, and fields. Conference work may focus on any advanced topic relating to mathematics, including theoretical mathematical ideas or their applications to problems outside of mathematics.