Merideth Frey

BA, Wellesley College. PhD, Yale University. Past research in novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for 3D imaging of solids and using optical magnetometry for low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Current research involves building a low-field magnetic resonance setup to explore cross-disciplinary MR applications and develop new MR techniques at low magnetic fields. Previously taught courses at Wesleyan University and Princeton University, including helping develop investigative science learning environment physics labs. SLC, 2016–

Undergraduate Courses 2024-2025



Open, Seminar—Spring

PHYS 3545

Learn to appreciate the complex order that can be found in chaos! This course introduces the beautiful world of nonlinear and chaotic dynamics and also provides the mathematical and numerical tools to explore the astounding patterns that can arise from these inherently unpredictable systems. We shall see how chaos emerges from fairly simple nonlinear dynamical systems; utilize numerical methods to simulate the dynamics of chaotic systems; and explore characteristics of chaos using iterated maps, bifurcation diagrams, phase space, Poincaré sections, Lyapunov exponents, and fractal dimensions. Class time will oscillate between the presentation of new material and workshops for hands-on exploration. Students are encouraged to build and/or analyze their own chaotic system as potential conference projects. No previous programming experience is required, and all relevant mathematical concepts will be introduced.


Resonance and Its Applications

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

PHYS 3520

Prerequisite: calculus-based general physics sequence (both semesters)

This lab-based course is designed to teach students critical advanced laboratory skills while exploring the fascinating phenomenon of resonance and its many applications. The course will be broken into three main units: mechanical resonators, electronic resonators, and quantum mechanical resonators. Resonators are physical systems that undergo periodic motion and react quite dramatically to being driven at particular frequencies (like the opera singer hitting just the right note to break a wine glass). These systems are very common in everyday life, as well as inside many important technological devices. Each unit will explore a particular application of resonance (e.g., building RLC tank circuits for electronic resonance and utilizing our benchtop NMR spectrometer to explore quantum mechanical resonance). Although some class time will be spent going over the relevant theory, the majority of the class time will be spent designing and doing experiments using advanced lab equipment, analyzing data using Jupyter (iPython) notebooks, and reporting the results using LaTeX. For conference work, students are encouraged to develop an experimental research question, design an experiment to answer that question, perform the experiment, analyze the data, present their findings at the Science Poster Session, and write up their results in the form of a short journal article.


Time to Tinker

Open, Small Lecture—Fall

PHYS 2051

Do you enjoy designing and building things? Do you have lots of ideas of things that you wished existed but do not feel you have enough technical knowledge to create yourself? Do you wish you could fix some of your favorite appliances that just stopped working? Do you want to help find solutions to problems in our community? This course is meant to give an introduction to tinkering, with a focus on learning the practical physics behind basic mechanical and electronic components while providing the opportunity to build things yourself. The course will have one weekly meeting with the whole class and three smaller workshop sessions to work on team-based projects. (You are expected to choose one of the three workshop sessions to attend weekly.) The course will be broken down into four primary units: design and modeling; materials, tools, and construction; electronics and microcontrollers; and mechanics. There will be weekly readings and assignments, and each unit will include both individual and small-group projects that will be documented in an individual portfolio to demonstrate the new skills that you have acquired. For a semester-long, team-based conference project, your team will create a display of your work that will be exhibited on campus and provide a description reflecting on the design, desired functionality, and individual contributions that led to the finished product. Let’s get tinkering!


Previous Courses


20th-Century Physics

Open, Seminar—Spring

This course will provide an overview of the pivotal developments in 20th-century physics that dramatically overturned the centuries-old scientific understanding of the fundamental laws of our universe. In this seminar-style class, we will discuss readings, walk through thought experiments, and unravel paradoxes to understand the concepts behind Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, debate various interpretations of quantum mechanics, and explore the open questions that are motivating theoretical physics research in the 21st century.


20th-Century Physics Through Three Pivotal Papers

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

This course takes an in-depth look at three pivotal papers in 20th-century physics pertaining to special relativity and fundamental interpretations of quantum mechanics that transformed and defined our way of thinking in modern science. In this seminar-style class, we will deeply read, dissect, and discuss these three primary sources. In the process, we will together derive the predictions of special relativity; debate the various interpretations of quantum mechanics revolving around the famous Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen (EPR) paradox; and explore experiments meant to test our fundamental understanding of quantum mechanics.



Open, Seminar—Fall

This course introduces the beautiful world of nonlinear and chaotic dynamics and also provides the mathematical and numerical tools to explore the astounding patterns that can arise from these inherently unpredictable systems. We shall see how chaos emerges from fairly simple nonlinear dynamical systems; utilize numerical methods to simulate the dynamics of chaotic systems; and explore characteristics of chaos using iterated maps, bifurcation diagrams, phase space, Poincaré sections, Lyapunov exponents, and fractal dimensions. Class time will oscillate between the presentation of new material and workshops for hands-on exploration. Students are encouraged to build and/or analyze their own chaotic system as potential conference projects. No previous programming experience is required, and all relevant mathematical concepts will be introduced.


Classical and Quantum Waves

Intermediate, Seminar—Fall

PHYS 3543

Prerequisite: General Physics I (PHYS 2040) or equivalent, and General Physics II (PHYS 2041) or equivalent.

Explore the beautiful mathematics and physics of waves through both theory and experiment. This course will teach students valuable mathematical methods and basic computational skills that are necessary for more advanced physical-science classes. Lab class time will include using advanced lab equipment, analyzing data using Jupyter (IPython) notebooks, learning numerical techniques, and reporting the results using LaTeX. For conference work, students are encouraged to choose an American Journal of Physics article to replicate, analyze, and then present their findings at the semi-annual Sarah Lawrence College Science & Mathematics Poster Session.


Classical Mechanics (Calculus-Based General Physics)

Open, Seminar—Fall

Calculus-based general physics is a standard course at most institutions; as such, this course will prepare you for more advanced work in physical science, engineering, or the health fields. The course will cover introductory classical mechanics, including kinematics, dynamics, momentum, energy, and gravity. Emphasis will be placed on scientific skills, including: problem-solving, development of physical intuition, scientific communication, use of technology, and development and execution of experiments. The best way to develop scientific skills is to practice the scientific process. We will focus on learning physics through discovering, testing, analyzing, and applying fundamental physics concepts in an interactive classroom, as well as in weekly laboratory meetings.


Electromagnetism & Light (Calculus-Based General Physics)

Open, Seminar—Spring

Calculus-based general physics is a standard course at most institutions; as such, this course will prepare you for more advanced work in the physical science, engineering, or health fields. This course will cover waves, geometric and wave optics, electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electrodynamics. We will use the exploration of the particle and wave properties of light to bookend our discussions and ultimately finish our exploration of classical physics with the hints of its incompleteness. Emphasis will be placed on scientific skills, including: problem-solving, development of physical intuition, scientific communication, use of technology, and development and execution of experiments. The best way to develop scientific skills is to practice the scientific process. We will focus on learning physics through discovering, testing, analyzing, and applying fundamental physics concepts in an interactive classroom, as well as in weekly laboratory meetings.


Electromagnetism and Light (Calculus-Based General Physics)

Intermediate, Seminar—Spring

This is the follow-on course to Classical Mechanics, where we will be covering waves, geometric and wave optics, electrostatics, magnetostatics, and electrodynamics. We will use the exploration of the particle and wave properties of light to bookend our discussions and ultimately finish our exploration of classical physics with the hints of its incompleteness. Seminars and weekly laboratory meetings will incorporate technology-based, exploratory, and problem-solving activities.


Introduction to Electromagnetism, Light, and Modern Physics (General Physics Without Calculus)

Open, Seminar—Spring

This course covers waves and optics, electricity and magnetism, and overviews the discoveries made that transformed physics during the 20th century. Emphasis will be placed on scientific skills, including problem solving, development of physical intuition, scientific communication, use of technology, and development and execution of experiments. Seminars will incorporate discussion, exploratory, and problem-solving activities. In addition, the class will meet weekly to conduct laboratory work. A background in calculus is not required.


Introduction to Mechanics (General Physics Without Calculus)

Open, Seminar—Fall

This course covers introductory classical mechanics, including dynamics, kinematics, momentum, energy, and gravity. Students considering careers in architecture or the health sciences, as well as those interested in physics for physics’ sake, should take either this course or Classical Mechanics. Emphasis will be placed on scientific skills, including problem solving, development of physical intuition, scientific communication, use of technology, and development and execution of experiments. Seminars will incorporate discussion, exploratory activities, and problem-solving activities. In addition, the class will meet weekly to conduct laboratory work. A background in calculus is not required.


It's About Time

Open, Small Lecture—Spring

PHYS 2052

This course will explore the topic of time from a wide variety of viewpoints—from the physical, to the metaphysical, to the practical. Students will seek the answers to questions such as: What is time? How do we perceive time? Why does time appear to flow only in one direction? Is time travel possible? How is time relative? The course will explore the perception of time across cultures and eras, break down the role of time in fundamental physics, and discuss popular science books and articles, along with science-inspired works of fiction, to make sense of this fascinating topic. Time stops for no one, but let us take some time to appreciate its uniqueness.


It’s About Time

Open, Small Lecture—Fall

This seminar will explore the topic of time from a wide variety of viewpoints—from the physical to the metaphysical to the practical. We will seek the answers to questions such as: What is time? How do we perceive time? Why does time appear to flow only in one direction? Is time travel possible? How is time relative? We will explore the perception of time across cultures and eras, construct an appreciation of the arrow of time by designing and building a Rube Goldberg machine, and discuss scientific articles and science-inspired works of fiction to make sense of this fascinating topic. Time stops for no one, but let’s take some time to appreciate its uniqueness.


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Research Seminar

Open, Seminar—Spring

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has played a huge role in science since the mid-20th century, garnering five Nobel prizes across chemistry, physics, and medicine. Today, NMR remains a crucial analytical and diagnostic tool in those scientific disciplines. This lab-based course will introduce students to the theory, practice, and applications of NMR in a truly multidisciplinary way—linking the physics behind these techniques with their applications in chemistry, medicine, quantum information science, and beyond. Absolutely no prior knowledge of NMR is expected. The course materials are designed to guide students through the relevant physics concepts and provide a hands-on learning and research environment that makes use of our on-campus benchtop NMR spectrometers. In addition to work done together as a class, students will undertake individual conference projects that will involve designing and performing their own research projects utilizing the benchtop NMR spectrometers and presenting their work at local undergraduate research symposiums. First-year students who enrolled in It’s About Time as their first-year studies class are expected to enroll in this course in the spring as a continuation of their first-year studies experience.


Renewable Energy Systems

Open, Small Lecture—Fall

PHYS 2302

One of the biggest challenges humanity currently faces is the need to revamp our energy systems to avoid the most hazardous impacts due to global warming. Unfortunately, our predominately carbon-based energy system—the largest source of greenhouse gases from human activities in the United States—has significantly contributed to climate change. One of our best chances to mitigate environmental impacts is to switch to renewable, and ideally carbon-free, energy systems. Using both theory and experiments, the course will explore the physics behind current renewable energy systems—including geothermal, wind, solar, and nuclear fission—as well as investigate the future potential of the hydrogen strategy and nuclear fusion. Students will look at both the practical challenges and the potential promises of decarbonizing global energy production to become more informed consumers and citizens in our rapidly changing world. While students are not expected to have taken any physics courses before this course, a basic comfort with algebra is desirable and a natural curiosity to learn is essential.


Resonance and Its Applications

Intermediate, Seminar—Spring

This is a lab-based course designed to teach students critical advanced laboratory skills while exploring the fascinating phenomenon of resonance and its many applications. The course will be broken into three main units: mechanical resonators, electronic resonators, and quantum mechanical resonators. Resonators are physical systems that undergo periodic motion and react quite dramatically to being driven at particular frequencies (like the opera singer hitting just the right note to break a wine glass). These systems are very common in everyday life, as well as inside many important technological devices. Each unit will explore a particular application of resonance (e.g., building an AM radio receiver for electronic resonance and using our benchtop NMR system to explore quantum mechanical resonance). Although some class time will be spent going over the relevant theory, the majority of the class time will be spent designing and doing experiments using advanced lab equipment, analyzing data using Jupyter (iPython) notebooks, and reporting the results using LaTeX. For conference work, students are encouraged to develop their own experimental question, design their own experiment to answer that question, do the experiment, analyze the data, and present their findings at the Science and Mathematics Poster Session.


Resonance Research and Spectroscopy Seminar

Open, Seminar—Year

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has played a huge role in science since the mid-20th century, garnering five Nobel prizes across chemistry, physics, and medicine. Today, NMR remains a crucial analytical and diagnostic tool in these scientific disciplines. Fortunately, the recent development of inexpensive benchtop NMR spectrometers provides new opportunities for undergraduate students to gain hands-on learning and research skills related to this highly applicable technique. This yearlong, lab-based course has been co-developed and will be co-taught by experimental physicist Merideth Frey and physical chemist Colin Abernethy, so students can learn the science and applications of NMR while developing experimental research skills using Sarah Lawrence’s benchtop NMR spectrometers. The course will cover the theory, practice, and applications of NMR in a truly multidisciplinary way—linking the physics behind these techniques with their applications in chemistry, medicine, quantum information science, and beyond. In addition to work done as a class, students will undertake individual projects that will involve designing and performing their own research projects utilizing the benchtop NMR spectrometers. At the end of the year, students will be given the opportunity to present particularly successful projects as posters or talks at regional or national scientific meetings; this work may also be featured in the supplemental course material posted online.


Thermal Physics

Advanced, Seminar—Spring

PHYS 4522

Prerequisite: General Physics I (PHYS 2040) or equivalent, General Physics II (PHYS 2041) or equivalent, Classical and Quantum Waves (PHYS 3543) or equivalent intermediate physics course; and Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, and Differential Equations (MATH 3516) taken previously or concurrently.

We encounter temperature on a daily basis when we check our weather apps and have undoubtedly heard discussions about the greenhouse effect and Earth’s warming climate. But what do scientists mean by warming? How can they model it? And what even is temperature? In this course, students will dig into the fascinating world of thermal physics, which is important for delving into many more advanced topics in physics, geosciences, or chemistry. Topics will include: thermodynamics, including energy, temperature, work, heat, and ideal gases; statistical mechanics, including entropy, partition functions, distributions, chemical potential, nonideal gases, bosonic gas, and fermionic gas; and applications from physics, chemistry, and engineering such as engines, refrigerators, Bose-Einstein condensates, black holes, and climate models. For conference work, students will be encouraged to model a simple thermal system of their choice, using the mathematical and numerical methods developed throughout the course.


Time to Tinker

Open, Small Lecture—Spring

Do you enjoy designing and building things? Do you have lots of ideas of things that you wished existed but do not feel you have enough technical knowledge to create yourself? Do you wish you could fix some of your favorite appliances that just stopped working? Do you want to help find solutions to problems in our community? This course is meant to give an introduction to tinkering, with a focus on learning the practical physics behind basic mechanical and electronic components while providing the opportunity to build things yourself. The course will have one weekly meeting with the whole class and three smaller workshop sessions to work on team-based projects. (You are expected to choose one of the three workshop sessions to attend weekly.) The course will be broken down into four primary units: design and modeling; materials, tools, and construction; electronics and Arduino; and mechanics. There will be weekly readings and assignments, and each unit will include both individual and small-group projects that will be documented in an individual portfolio to demonstrate the new skills that you have acquired. For a semester-long, team-based conference project, your team will be creating an engineered piece based on the needs of a community partner. At the end of the semester, your team will exhibit and present your work and write a report reflecting on the design, desired functionality, and individual contributions that led to the finished product. Let’s get tinkering!
