Jerrilynn Dodds

BA, Barnard College. MA, PhD, Harvard University. Dodds's scholarly work is centered on transculturation in the arts and how religious groups—in particular Christians, Jews, and Muslims—form identities through art and architecture. Among her publications are: Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain; NY Masjid: The Mosques of New York; and, as co-author, Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture. Dodds edited the catalogue Al Andalus: The Arts of Islamic Spain and co-curated that exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Alhambra in Granada; she was curatorial consultant of the exhibition The Arts of Medieval Spain at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and co-curated Convivencia: The Arts of Jews, Christians and Muslims in Medieval Iberia, among other publications and exhibitions. She has written and directed films in conjunction with museum exhibitions and for wider audiences. In 2018, she was knighted by the government of Spain as the recipient of the Cruz de la Orden de Mérito Civil (Cross of the Order of Civil Merit). Dean of the College, 2009-15. SLC, 2009–

Art History

Art History