Kirsten Brown

Undergraduate Discipline


Undergraduate Courses 2024-2025


Studio Class (Voice)


MUSC 5335

This is a beginning course in basic vocal technique. Each student’s vocal needs are met within the structure and content of the class.


Previous Courses


Studio Class


This is a beginning course in basic vocal technique. Each student’s vocal needs are met within the structure and content of the class.


Your Voice: The Art and Science


The human voice is the world’s most variable instrument—we can all make a nearly infinite array of sounds with only our throats. But what makes all of those sounds possible? And how can we access more of them with comfort and consistency? Perhaps, most importantly, how can we use those sounds to communicate not just through language but also musically and sonically? The answer begins with understanding the anatomy, physiology, and acoustics of the human voice. In this course, we’ll explore those principles through an experiential lens, connecting each aspect of the function of the voice to your awareness and perception of your own instrument. We’ll also explore how these aspects of vocal function can be manipulated to produce different timbres and styles of singing, with an eye toward making expressive, yet sustainable, vocal choices across genres. And we’ll explore how the expression of emotion intersects and interacts with vocal function, as we work to understand the full role that our bodies play in an artistic performance.
