The involvement of the College’s students is one of the most unique, enriching aspects of the Early Childhood Center’s (ECC) program.
Sarah Lawrence graduate students working toward a master’s degree in the Art of Teaching and Child Development participate as assistant teachers, working directly with the ECC’s master teachers. Undergraduate students studying psychology serve as student assistants.
Student assistants are participant observers in the classroom, immersing themselves in classroom life. Their presence makes possible a high ratio of adults to children; an increased diversity in staffing; and an enhanced curriculum through their interdisciplinary interests.
Approximately 75 college students—primarily from Sarah Lawrence, along with guest students from Westchester Community College's early childhood program—are assigned to the ECC throughout the school year. Some carry out structured observation, but most work directly with the children in the classroom.
The ECC’s director oversees student assistants, and the master teachers guide their daily interactions in the classroom. Many Sarah Lawrence College students go on from this experience to become teachers, social workers, therapists, and researchers in child development.
Learn more about what makes the ECC a celebrated laboratory school—and how this benefits your child.