Career Opportunities
A master's degree in Dance/Movement Therapy from Sarah Lawrence College will prepare students for careers working in mental health, rehabilitation, medical, educational, and forensic settings; in nursing homes, day care centers, health promotion and disease prevention programs; and in private practice.
Dance/Movement Therapists work with a range of disorders and populations, and with people of all ages in groups, families, or individually.
Our Alumni
Natalia Rosado Cofresí MS '20
Program: MS in Dance/Movement Therapy
Masters’ Thesis: Tango And Dance/Movement Therapy: A Partner Dance
Past Roles: Creative Arts Therapist, Mount Sinai Health System
Current Role: Dance Therapist, Nuestra Escuela
Brittney Gibson MS '19
Program: MS in Dance/Movement Therapy
Masters’ Thesis: Exploring the Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Mind, Body, and Spirit of the Black Woman: Remembering the Past, Honoring the Present, and Embracing the Future through Dance/Movement Therapy
Past Roles: Creative Arts Therapist, Montefiore Hospital
Current Roles: Licensed Creative Arts Therapist, Repose
Rachael Singer MS '14
Masters’ Thesis: A Narrative Integration: Becoming a Dance/Movement Therapist
Past Roles: Toddler Head Teacher, Buckle My Shoe, NY, Dance/Movement Therapist, Heartsong, Developmental Client Coach & Case Manager, Real Connections Institute, Business Owner, Rachael's Moving HeARTS, LLC
Current Roles: Clinical Senior Case Manager and Mindful Movement Facilitator at Positive Development, Inc