Interaction and Connection, Theory and Practice
Our philosophy of progressive education, and of the learning child as the maker of their own meaning, emphasizes curiosity and exploration as the foundation for a life of learning. This philosophy guides our approach to training tomorrow's teachers, providing resources to professionals and parents, and engaging with children and families in our community. To quote our students, “interactions between the Early Childhood Center (ECC), Art of Teaching program, Child Development Institute (CDI), and the Child Development program foster a sense of community and commitment to the work. There is so much to learn from these programs that you can spend a lifetime here and still learn something new each year.”
Whether you're an undergraduate or graduate student planning for an MSEd in the Art of Teaching, an MA in Child Development or a Dual Degree in both, a professional looking for like minded peers and to develop your skills in teaching or working with children, or a parent seeking an extraordinary preschool experience for your child, there's a place for you at Sarah Lawrence.

Master of Science in Education: The Art of Teaching
Educating teachers for over 35 years, the Sarah Lawrence College Art of Teaching program is an integrated Master of Science in Education (MSEd) program of study that leads to triple New York State certification in Early Childhood Education (birth to grade 2), Childhood Education (1st to 6th grade) and Early Childhood Students with Disabilities.

Dual Degree in Art of Teaching and Child Development (MSEd/MA)
The Dual Degree in the Art of Teaching and Child Development combines our strength in being pioneers in the field of Child Development for almost 50 years with our strong teacher training heritage—we've been educating teachers for over 35 years!
The Dual Degree will take three years to complete and lead to an MSEd degree in the Art of Teaching and an MA degree in Child Development.

Early Childhood Special Education Advanced Certificate

Master of Arts in Child Development
The Master of Arts in Child Development program takes a progressive approach to study child development by exploring the lives of children as the interaction of intellectual, emotional, social, and imaginative streams. It combines in-depth study of primary theoretical perspectives with practical fieldwork, preparing you to support the complex needs of children and their families.
Dual Degree in Social Work and Child Development MSW/MA
In cooperation with New York University’s Silver School of Social Work, Sarah Lawrence College offers a dual degree in Social Work and Child Development. Learn more here.

The Early Childhood Center
Founded in 1937 by well-known developmental psychologist Lois Barclay Murphy, the Early Childhood Center (ECC) is one of the longest-existing college laboratory schools in the United States. The ECC aims to reflect the world community and is committed to diversity among staff, teachers, and students. The school provides a thoughtful, progressive curriculum for children ages 2 through 6 in preschool and kindergarten. Modeled on the Sarah Lawrence pedagogy, the ECC's programs provide a setting for undergraduate and graduate Sarah Lawrence College students to work as assistants and participant-observers for a practical element of their studies in child development and teaching.

The Child Development Institute
The Child Development Institute (CDI) develops programs for early childhood and elementary school teachers, administrators, child development professionals, parents, and the community at large.
While developed primarily as outreach programs, CDI's activities enhance the educational experience of undergraduate and graduate students on campus. CDI staff and the Faculty Advisory Committee work cooperatively with the College's Early Childhood Center, psychology faculty, and graduate programs in Child Development and the Art of Teaching.
Undergraduate Psychology
Our developmental, cultural, and environmental psychology faculty are community-engaged teacher-scholars focused on the study of the developing child in family, community, and cultural contexts. Current courses include Play and Imagination, Childhood Across Cultures, Social Development, Moral Development, Urban Health, Food Environments, Health, and Social Justice, Doing Research with Young People, Perspectives on Child Development, Children, Families, and Identity, Theories of Development, and Equity and Access in Education. Recent faculty publications cover topics in children's play and education, the built environment and child development and health, child and family housing and health and well being, the development of creativity, and children's literacy.
Five Year Programs
Undergraduate students can begin graduate work during their senior year through three of Sarah Lawrence College’s unique graduate programs, including the the Art of Teaching and Child Development. This allows students to leave the College with two degrees after five years.
Westchester Community College Transfer Agreement
Continuing the strong historical partnership between Sarah Lawrence College and Westchester Community College (WCC), Sarah Lawrence has established a transfer partnership with WCC offering students who are interested in a teaching career a unique opportunity to complete both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in three years upon graduating from WCC. In this distinctive program, where both institutions are philosophically aligned in their approaches to early childhood and childhood education, Westchester Community College students applying as a transfer student with an Associate’s Degree to Sarah Lawrence will receive preferred admission status to Sarah Lawrence’s Five Year Art of Teaching program.
Engaging with Our Surrounding Communities
In keeping with the College's enduring commitment to community and civic engagement, the Office of Community Partnerships, the Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB), and the Theatre and Civic Engagement Program provide opportunities for Sarah Lawrence students to volunteer, exchange ideas, and make an impact in our surrounding communities. These programs partner with the Collaborative to provide programming, facilities, and resources to educate and engage children in the community, providing them access to opportunities for artistic collaboration and hands-on exploration.
Anita L. Stafford Office of Community Partnerships

Students can embrace Sarah Lawrence College’s rich history of social responsibility through participation in community partnership classes and student-led community engagement initiatives, supported by the Anita L. Stafford Office of Community Partnerships and Service Learning.
By linking class work with community work, students broaden their academic inquiry, develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, establish relationships with local leaders, and cultivate important life skills.
Center for the Urban River

The Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB) is an alliance of Sarah Lawrence College and the Beczak Environmental Education Center. The mission of CURB is to advance environmental knowledge and stewardship by providing high quality K-12 environmental education for the local community, establishing a regional hub for research and monitoring focused on Hudson River estuary and urban watershed issues, and serving as a welcoming open community space for a variety of civic and cultural activities.
Theatre and Civic Engagement Program

Theatre and Civic Engagement facilitates access and resources for our community, where some schools are underfunded and underperforming with limited or no access to the arts.
Civic Engagement students participate in team-based performance and teaching partnerships in schools, community and senior centers, community colleges, colleges, museums, and libraries.