Endowed gifts help ensure the future of Sarah Lawrence by providing a stable source of income in perpetuity. More than 75 percent of our students receive a Sarah Lawrence grant or scholarship, so a key goal of the Campaign was to increase the College’s endowed scholarships and fellowships in order to make Sarah Lawrence’s unique educational model financially sustainable. This funding will allow us to expand our ability to attract a diverse mix of talented students who will thrive in our community and ensure that they can enroll regardless of financial means.
Among the life-changing scholarships created during the Campaign were several Endowed Presidential Scholarships, established with gifts of $500,000 each. With these generous scholarships, the College can increase its enrollment of academically top-ranked undergraduates who will maximize the development of their creativity, skills, and capacities at Sarah Lawrence.
Other scholarships were created to strengthen socioeconomic diversity at the College by supporting international students, first-generation Americans, and students who are first in their family to attend college, and to support full tuition and other college-related expenses for students from underrepresented geographic areas within the United States.
Endowed graduate fellowships were established for our celebrated Program in Human Genetics, with a gift that supports tuition and clinic placement costs for students from underrepresented populations with demonstrated financial need. Reflecting the stature of Sarah Lawrence’s renowned MFA in Writing Program, an endowed fund was established to support one first-year and one second-year MFA Writing Fellow annually.
Ultimately, more than $51 million was raised in support of endowed scholarships and fellowships, bolstering the College’s ability to provide needed support for every deserving student. This remains a major focus for the College as we navigate a rising need against rising costs.
"I received multiple scholarships from Sarah Lawrence, without which I would have been unable to attend. Now, thanks to my Sarah Lawrence education, I am prepared to pursue a career in the sciences, and feel confident working in my field or starting a graduate program."
—La Zhen Han ’19, Research Assistant, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (pictured above)