This is a timeline of speakers at Sarah Lawrence commencement ceremonies from the class of 1929 to the present. Senior lecturers, a tradition inaugurated in 1989, are also included where applicable.
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1929 | Henry Noble MacCracken and Ruth Wilmot Anderson, the sole graduate at the first commencement. |
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1930 | John H. Finley |
1931 | President Constance Warren |
1932 | Newton D. Baker |
1933 | John J. Coss |
1934 | Walton Hale Hamilton |
1935 | Alvin Sanders Johnson |
1936 | George E. Vincent |
1937 | Elliott Dunlap Smith |
1938 | Luther Halsey Gulick, Helen Merrell Lynd, and President Constance Warren |
1939 | Henry Bruere |
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1940 | Stuart Chase |
1941 | Cora DuBois, William H. Schuman |
1942 | Eugene Meyer, Leo Gershoy |
1943 | Archibald MacLeish |
1944 | President Constance Warren |
1945 | Henry Noble MacCracken |
1946 | Leo Gershoy (Spring Term), Arthur Lee Kinsolving |
1947 | Harlow Shapley |
1948 | Frederick Lewis Allen |
1949 | Howard Mumford Jones |
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1950 | Her Excellency Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit |
1951 | Henry Steele Commager |
1952 | Frederick Burkhardt |
1953 | George N. Shuster |
1954 | Justice William O. Douglas |
1955 | Honorable Ahmed Bokhara |
1956 | Robert Frost |
1957 | Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt |
1958 | Frank Lloyd Wright |
1959 | Herbert Block |
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1960 | Harrison Brown |
1961 | Max Lerner |
1962 | Theodor Reik |
1963 | Herbert Marcuse |
1964 | Edward P. Morgan |
1965 | Sargent Shriver |
1966 | Linus Pauling |
1967 | Elizabeth Sewell |
1968 | John Summerskill |
1969 | Charles DeCarlo |
Year | Commencement Speaker |
1970 | Margaret Mead |
1971 | Rene Dubos |
1972 | Jacquelyn Mattfeld |
1973 | Morris Abram |
1974 | Rudolf Arnheim |
1975 | Muriel Rukeyser |
1976 | Joan Kelly-Gadol |
1977 | Colleen Dewhurst |
1978 | Bella Abzug |
1979 | Stanley Kunitz |
Year | Commencement Speaker | Senior Lecturer |
1980 | Robert MacNeil | |
1981 | George Wald | |
1982 | Frances FitzGerald | |
1983 | E.L. Doctorow | |
1984 | Jane Alexander '61 | |
1985 | Meredith Monk | |
1986 | Tracy Kidder | |
1987 | Sir Claus Moser | |
1988 | Toni Morrison | |
1989 | Renee Poussaint | Grace Paley |
Year | Commencement Speaker | Senior Lecturer |
1990 | Paul Newman | Spalding Gray |
1991 | Jill Ker Conway | Shirley Kaplan |
1992 | Henry Cisneros | Shahnaz Rouse |
1993 | Donna E. Shalala | Ilja Wachs |
1994 | Sidney Poitier | Pauline Watts '70 |
1995 | Joan Konner | Priscilla Murolo '80 |
1996 | Cornel West | Komozi Woodard |
1997 | Peter Goldmark | Regina Arnold |
1998 | Jane Alexander '61 and Johnetta Cole | Chikwenye Ogunyemi |
1999 | Joanne Braxton '72 | Michael Davis |
Year | Commencement Speaker | Senior Lecturer |
2000 | Ian Lipkin '74 | Suzanne Gardinier |
2001 | Barbara Walters | Raymond Seidelman |
2002 | Anna Quindlen | Nancy Baker |
2003 | Shirley M. Tilghan | Michael Moore |
2004 | Grace Paley | Joseph Forte |
2005 | Susan Meiselas '70 | Lyde Sizer |
2006 | Ann Patchett '85 | Fred Smoler |
2007 | Alice M. Greenwald '73 | Ilja Wachs |
2008 | Jessica Lange | Angel Moger |
2009 | Rahm Emanuel '81 | Brian Morton |
Year | Undergraduate Commencement Speaker | Graduate Commencement Speaker | Senior Lecturer |
2010 | Julianna Margulies '89 | Suzanne Gardinier |
2011 | Arianna Huffington | Frederick Strype |
2012 | Adam Savage | William Shullenburger |
2013 | Vera Wang '71 | Joseph Forte |
2014 | Fareed Zakaria | Linwood Lewis |
2015 | Kwame Anthony Appiah | Amy Goodman | Lyde Sizer |
2016 | Mo Rocca | Joan Marks |
Scott Calvin |
2017 | JJ Abrams '88 | Jamal Joseph | Joseph Lauinger |
2018 | Darren Walker | Kyes Stevens MA ’99, MFA ’00 | Colin Abernethy |
2019 | Maggie Haberman '96 | Diane Baker MS ’79 and Francis Collins | Una Chung |
Year | Undergraduate Commencement Speaker | Graduate Commencement Speaker | Senior Lecturer |
2020 | Tonya Lewis Lee '88 | Barbara Bowman ’50 | Komozi Woodard |
2021 | Jamaal Bowman |
Lyde Sizer |
2022 | Douglas Brinkley | Joshua Muldavin | |
2023 | Bill Lawrence | Maia Pujara | |
2024 | U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy | Martin Goldray |