I paint to create a space "to be," a space to reflect on and explore the visual properties of experience that lie outside of specific narrative. My paintings are an amalgam of impressions often gathered during my travels or, in these examples, during televised matches of soccer tournaments. My focus is on underlying qualities that are both particular to the moment and resonate universally. The character of the material, be it oil paint or watercolor, collaborates with my personal sensibilities in expressing my vision.
Oil on Linen
A "soccerscape" combining visual imagery of field, graphics, energy and movement of one of the soccer matches from 2002 FIFA World Cup.
June 21, 2018
Watercolor on Khadi handmade paper
Soccerscape using watercolor for its fluidity and speed to capture the predominant images, energy and motifs of this soccer match from the 2018 FIFA World Cup. It is one of a series of 56 works each corresponding to a match watched and executed within of live time of their televised broadcasts.