Tell us about your international journey. Where is home for you?
Home is many different places for me: the most obvious one being Mexico City, Mexico. I was born and raised there, and lived there until a couple years ago when I won a scholarship to study in Italy for my junior and senior years of high school. In Italy, I studied in a small village called Duino at the United World College (UWC) of the Adriatic, where I was surrounded by students from all over the world and got to learn in a truly international environment. I think Duino will always feel like a second home to me, despite having lived there for only two years.
Living in the United States now, I think New York and Bronxville are starting to feel like a third home :)
What made you choose SLC?
Applying to universities was a very overwhelming process, but a friend of mine was studying here and her descriptions of the school fit what I was looking for. Ultimately, the seminar style classes and the idea of conference work convinced me that SLC was what I wanted!
What are your concentrations?
Psychology and Sociology
What kinds of extracurriculars or activities have you participated in?
I am a part of a feminist book club and UNIDAD (latinx organization).
How would you describe your SLC experience so far?
It has been very rewarding, and I'm very happy studying here. I've learned so much from my professors and the students around me, and I've gotten to explore my interests through different classes and even an internship now!
What is the SLC community like?
Sarah Lawrence is a very unique place, and so are the people around it. I've found people I love and feel comfortable with, even though we may have different concentrations or backgrounds.
What are some of your favorite things to do at SLC? Where are some of your favorite places to go off campus? Do you have a favorite meal?
I like laying on the North Lawn and having picnics with my friends when it's warm, walking around campus, going to Bates Brunch on Sundays! I highly recommend getting an omelet and a bagel!
My favorite thing to do off campus is going to museums and exploring the city, but I also really enjoy grabbing coffee at Bronxville and going on runs by the Bronx River.
What advice do you have for international students applying to SLC?
Be open to trying out new experiences and (as cliché as this may sound) be yourself! Changing environments can be scary, but you'll find your people and what makes you passionate. Oh, and don't forget to bring snacks from home!